RSAC 2022

Everything Is Driven By Code And Code Is Controlled By APIs: Securing Apps Through Research, Assessments, Scanning, And Training | A Checkmarx Origin Story With Renny Shen And Bryant Schuck

A Their Story conversation with Sean Martin, Marco Ciappelli, and Checkmarx’s Renny Shen and Bryan Schuck.

Application development has become an extremely complex endeavor, with multiple components involved ranging from open source libraries to share cloud services accessed through APIs. The only thing more difficult than building an advanced application is securing it. But it doesn't need to be that way.

This is where Checkmarx comes in. With a focus on application and API security assessments, scanning, and training, DevOps and AppSec teams can work together to reduce the complexity in application development and delivery, ensuring that time-to-market requirements are met alongside functional requirements and security requirements.

Listen in as we get to hear from Renny and Bryant about the origin and journey of Checkmark - past, present, and future.

Turning App Deployment Times From Days And Weeks To Hours Or Less | An AppViewX Origin Story With Muralidharan Palanisamy

A Their Story conversation with Sean Martin and AppViewX Chief Solutions Officer, Muralidharan Palanisamy

Helping developers be effective and agile in today's chaotic DevOps' on-premises, containerized, and cloud-enabled world is critical. Doing so in a way that doesn't overload them with too many security tickets, unnecessary tasks, or other operational challenges is also paramount to their success as they work to meet the organization's requirements to build a great product that reaches to market as quickly as possible.

Still, while the notion that application security is not necessary is beginning to fade away, the relationship between the AppSec and the DevOps teams needs to be supported by tools, information, and processes that provide assurance to the security team that the right steps are being taken by the engineering team while also enabling the app development team to do what they need to do as they innovate and build the next best thing for the business.

From France To Colorado To Las Vegas | Founders' Journey To Make The World Of Information Security Better Through Information Sharing | A CrowdSec Story With CEO Philippe Humeau

A Their Story conversation with Sean Martin, Marco Ciappelli, and Philippe Humeau, CEO at CrowdSec

The venture market in cybersecurity continues to shift as the economy ebbs and flows throughout the world. However, when you have a good idea, it still gets the attention of the users and the investors, even if that means starting at the bottom and working your way up.

Join us for a live stream conversation with CrowdSec CEO, Philippe Humeau, as we take a quick look back at what we experienced during RSA Conference and spend some time talking through what is coming up for the 10-person contingent from CrowdSec that is making the journey to Las Vegas, arriving from multiple countries, to bring their insights, expertise, and conversations to the Arsenal, vendor halls, speaking stages, and meeting rooms during Black Hat and DEF CON.

This is a quick chat packed with a lot of energy, vision, and enthusiasm — tempered with a dose of reality and humility. It's about embracing "precious" without being "precious" — have a listen.

RSA Conference 2022 | A BlackCloak Story About Supply Chain Security, Hacking Back, And MySpace With Dr Chris Pierson

A Their Story conversation with Sean Martin, Marco Ciappelli, and BlackCloak CEO and founder, Chris Pierson

Dr Chris Pierson has held many roles and has been a regular speaker at RSA Conference over the years. What's he up to this year as the event goes back to in-person engagements?

As the CEO of BlackCloak, Chris Pierson is looking forward to connecting with peers, partners, customers, and prospects as the world of executive cybersecurity heats up. In addition to seeing friends old and new, Dr Pierson has two sessions in which he will be participating. He shares some insights into both of these sessions.

Chris has some other things up his sleeve as well. Can you say MySpace? 🤔