
The Meaning of Operational Resilience: What Cybersecurity Leaders Can Learn From IT and Infrastructure Ops | From Infosecurity Europe 2023 | A Semperis Company Briefing with Simon Hodgkinson

Their Story conversation with Sean Martin and Former BP CISP and current Semperis Advisor, Simon Hodgkinson

Live on-location from Infosecurity Europe 2023, Sean Martin connects with Simon Hodgkinson, former CISO for BP, to discuss a range of cybersecurity topics surrounding the concept of operational resilience.

Securing the Modern Business Riddled with Legacy Technology | Protecting Active Directory On-Premises and Azure AD in the Cloud | A Semperis Story with Guido Grillenmeier and Daniel Lattimer

Their Story conversation with Sean Martin and Marco Ciappelli and Semperis

As more companies adopt cloud technology, syncing Active Directory and Azure AD data between on-premises and cloud-based directories can become necessary but comes with risks. In this article, we discuss some of the most common mistakes made by organizations when syncing directory services and share practical tips on how to avoid them. Learn from Daniel Lattimer and Guido Grillenmeier from Semperis on the importance of assessing directory security posture, evaluating cloud security controls, implementing proper monitoring and detection rules, and establishing clear responsibilities and ownership.

Take Back The Keys To Your Kingdom | A Semperis Story About Purple Knight's Mission To Secure Active Directory | With Darren Mar-Elia And Ran Harel

A Their Story conversation with Sean Martin, Marco Ciappelli, and leaders from Semperis

Here is the truth: Active Directory remains a soft target for attackers attempting to steal credentials and deploy ransomware. However, there is another truth: it doesn't have to stay that way. There is a new Knight in the castle — it is purple, and it is here to change the game.

During this podcast, we learn more about Semperis' mission with its new free tool, Purple Knight, including what it can do, how it works, and what the end results can be once an organization takes concrete steps to protect the keys to its kingdom.

Join us on this new adventure and meet this new character in the Semperis saga.

Once upon a time...

The Semperis Story — Chapter 3 | With Darren Mar-Elia

A Their Story conversation with Sean Martin and Marco Ciappelli

Guest: Darren Mar-Elia

Businesses rely heavily on Active Directory to manage policies and access for pretty much everything that runs their business. Essentially, they built a vault years ago to hold all of their treasures and secrets, and business operations look to that vault every moment of every day to grab things from it so they can make countless business decisions.

But, because that vault was created and used behind scenes by most throughout the organization, does it get the attention it deserves in terms of risk assessments, threat monitoring, and attack defense?

This is the burning question that we dig in to with Darren in this chapter.

Have a listen.

Their Story At Hacker Summer Camp | Las Vegas 2019 | Darren Mar-Elia, Semperis

A Their Story interview with Sean Martin & Marco Ciappelli
Guest: Darren Mar-Elia, Head of Product | Semperis

We’ve said it many times and we won’t change our mind anytime soon: we go to conferences to meet old friends, make new ones, and have stimulating conversations. It can be a tour de force as we have a limited amount of time and an almost unlimited number of topics we can chat about. Yes, we can all agree that the InfoSec industry has become a variegated field with a great variety of people and stories. We sure love that, but when story time is also lunch time, it takes a special topic to get the the energy level up and starting the podcast by telling stories about the early days (1970’s) of the Atari 800 can have that reinvigorating effect. That’s exactly what Marco and I did when we spoke with Darren Mar-Elia from Semperis. That wasn’t all that we spoke about though—that was just the ice-breaker for the chat we had.

Thankfully, Darren is able to provide some seriously-valuable insight into the questions we had for him. However, for one final question, Darren had a different idea in mind.

Have a listen to hear what Darren’s plan is when this eventuality becomes reality.

Their Story Chats At RSA Conference San Francisco 2019 | Mickey Bresman, CEO at Semperis

A Their Story interview with John Dasher​​​​​​​

In this podcast from RSA Conference, ITSPmagazine’s John Dasher is joined by Mickey Bresman, CEO at Semperis, to discuss the difficulty that normal Active Directory upgrades, restores and backups, let alone full-blown disaster recovery, can cause – and how Semperis has a solution that promises to change all of that.