Their Story At Hacker Summer Camp | Las Vegas 2019 | Will Glazier and Matt Keil, Cequence Security

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A Their Story interview with Sean Martin & Marco Ciappelli
Guests: Will Glazier, Head of CQ Crime Research and Matt Keil, Director of Product Marketing, Cequence Security

The organization telling us their story today is Cequence Security.


Marco and I get to talk to a lot of people. Through these conversations, we get to hear a lot of stories. Some of the best story-telling events are those that include a couple of people that have different paths, experiences, and perspectives. This is one of those stories.

During Black Hat, we had the chance to meet two of these individuals from Cequence Security: one is a security research veteran that has been with the company for a long time and the other a new-hire but with a long and solid history of looking after product marketing for another very well-known security brand.

Relative to their different ages—and conversely, their tenure at Cequence—both employees have been in the cybersecurity industry for quite some time; each with his own personal path into the field and a somewhat different career path once in the space. As you will hear, their diversity makes for quite a fun and intriguing conversation.

During our chat, we get to talk about a lot of things, including:

  • the birth and evolution of a start-up;

  • the potential liability a company may incur if they have a massive infrastructure built of IoT devices that get compromised, and;

  • bots and other automated devices that can be turned into a cyber army with evil plans and unpleasant consequences for the Internet and its users.

We also look at the role of APIs in the world of computing—where machines and services will act on our behalf. What is human? What is not? What is supposed to be acting like us as a human and therefore we don’t want that activity or transaction to be blocked just because it is a computer system working on our behalf?

This is the part of the story where the famous four pillars of detection came into play. Known as The Tools, The Infrastructures, The Credentials, and The Behavior can help to fight the good fight and find out what is needed about these evil bots. This, of course, can be brought to the next level training with the right machine learning algorithm and the correct data.

It was a wild ride; a conversation that we truly enjoyed.

We invite you to join us as Will and Matt take us up and down the rollercoaster of InfoSec.